It is 6 PM Tuesday and the outside temp in Seattle is 46 degrees F (8 C.) Time for the pineapple festival!!
Don't hate me because I'm warm... I've given y'all so many better reasons to hate me!
with the polar vortex swirling further and further south and breaking records how cold is it where you are?.
here in gettysburg pa last night night we hit a low of -4 degrees but we were blessed with some wind that dropped the wind chill down to -22..
It is 6 PM Tuesday and the outside temp in Seattle is 46 degrees F (8 C.) Time for the pineapple festival!!
Don't hate me because I'm warm... I've given y'all so many better reasons to hate me!
2013 was a record breaking year for firearm purchases.
2014 is supposed to be a record breaker for ammunition.. do you own a firearm?
but i support that right for others---if they are qualified..
Yes. I have rifles, a shotgun, revolvers and semi-automatic pistols.
I like to shoot targets, especially those made of aromatic woods like cedar.
I am an American by birth and a member of the NRA by choice because I believe that every person has a right to defend themselves. Our lives are our first "property."
People who do not share this belief are also called victims and slaves.
BandOnTheRun said, in part, "I pay the NYPD to be my firearm. I've always lived close to a precinct or near the donut/newspaper stores they frequent. They had better come protect me if I need help. It is a service I pay for with taxes."
One of my Uncles was a Marine who was wounded on Iwo Jima and then after WWII became a career NYC cop. You should have a chat with some of your local NYC cops about what you expect from them. They will adjust your understanding.
After you are murdered they will come and document the crime scene and make sure your corpse gets to the morgue. Then they will investigate your murder and, if a suspect is found, they will assist the state with the prosecution of the alledged perpetrators. Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.
i still hear this crop up every once in a while, so i figured that i'd open it up to a wide audience.. things are looking pretty good to me..
I've done everything I can do to time-travel back to the 1800s so I could personally apologize to the injuns and everyone else who wasn't seated at Jah's great banquet-table.
Neither I nor anyone else has been able to suceed at this, so I am like totally over apologizing for things that happened when I did not exist. But if it works for you, knock yourself out.
i've been here forever.... this site still gives us some of the most up to date info about jws .
it keeps evolving.
sometimes it is the place to be and i think that's especially true for newbies.
I've been here for 13 years.
This place serves as a place were I can say things that I sooner or later regret more or less.
There have been some times when I feel I've done some good.
Not many though.
i still hear this crop up every once in a while, so i figured that i'd open it up to a wide audience.. things are looking pretty good to me..
I going to take a moment to play "Devil's Advocate" and offer two things that are worse, I think.
1. Since the dawn of homo sapiens, we have had the untdy habit of piling up our garbage in "middens" or dung-heaps.
In the 21st century, we still do this! Lip-service has been paid to schemes for more efficiently recycling our waste - we put that little triangle logo on our plastic and then throw the plastic into our local dung-heaps and into the ocean. Mankind is like an infant covered in his own poop.
2. Mankind enjoys his fish-and-chips just a bit too much. We are depleting the ocean's ability to regenerate.
i have had very few mentors in my life.
i love each of them dearly.. one such was a man a bit older than me named tollie padget.. .
tollie was the rarest of rare birds.
I understand your sadness, Terry. You might recall that when you first appeared on JWN I wrote to you in hope that you might be a friend from MY past who was named Terry. I was a bit disappointed to discover that you were not my old friend - yes, it was naive of me to think you *might* have been him.
But the outcome was better than I could have imagined: although I hadn't found my old friend, I did find a NEW friend - YOU - and I'm glad for that outcome.
Probably you will never find a *new* Tollie has signed in here, but I am certain you have made several friends who are likewise glad they met you.
You may not share much of a past with them, but you can surely look forward to the future.
When you recall Ol' Tollie now, you can see that he wasn't quite as smart as you thought he was; he's still in bondage. You have exceeded your mentor!
I am proud to be your friend. Yes, you are smarter than my old friend Terry was; he's still "in" also.
launch an investigation on jehovahs witnesses religious policy that violates human rights and abuses religious freedom.
I'm with BandOnTheRun & Simon & Besty on this - this is an ineffective waste of your time.
lost my job, just a week before making the final arrangements to move into my very own apartment.. got a speeding ticket on the following sunday for trying to make it to the meeting "on time", (never made it to the hall, just parked in the back of a shopping center for 2 hours in silence).. marked by the elders for quitting pioneering, no more commenting and "failing to adhere to bible counsel".. jw family sees me as a disappointment.
non-jw family is too far away to care.. found out ex-girlfriend got df'ed and is now pregnant.
puts some of the blame on me for how things turned out.. realizing that she's not entirely wrong as i was still an ignorant, kiss-ass, die hard jwdub when we started dating, always putting the "kingdom interests first" never having time for her since "the end was so freaking close" and then warping her up in the mess of me learning ttatt.. dwelling night after night in "what could have been" if i had never been a jw.. alternating between being a theist, atheist and agnostic on a daily basis to the point where i don't care anymore yet getting creeped the f*ck out when facing my own mortality and the thought of me dying alone.. always coming to the same conclusion, when i find myself alone on friday nights and weekends, that i have no actual friends, only two conditional jw "friends" which are both currently out of town for about a month and 0 real, non-jw friends.. haven't been able to sleep well in literally weeks now.
ODIBF said, "...Also, I paid the ticket the day after, but the fact that for a moment I believed that maybe I should return to the meetings and just deal with all the watchtower's BS, and then getting a ticket for trying, idk it kind of felt like a sign, although I'm not the kind of person that thinks about occurrences in that way..."
Think about this for a moment -- there are NO "signs"!
There is only what happens and coincidence.
Relieve yourself of the superstitious belief that there is a plan for the universe in which you play a major part.
This is not meant as an insult, it is the FACT about HOW THINGS ARE.
There is no "Creator" who cares about you.
We are, each of us, on our own, except for the brief period when we are fellow travelers on the road of time.
is there an official name for the comedic device where one replaces one word with another word having a similar pronounciation but a different (usually derisive) meaning?.
for example, some skeptics deride the bible by spelling it "buy-bull".
same or simliar pronounciation but entirely different meaning.
In the trade, (mostly among the Eastern Jester band of colporteurs and harlequins) it is known as "Randolph's Ankle."
lost my job, just a week before making the final arrangements to move into my very own apartment.. got a speeding ticket on the following sunday for trying to make it to the meeting "on time", (never made it to the hall, just parked in the back of a shopping center for 2 hours in silence).. marked by the elders for quitting pioneering, no more commenting and "failing to adhere to bible counsel".. jw family sees me as a disappointment.
non-jw family is too far away to care.. found out ex-girlfriend got df'ed and is now pregnant.
puts some of the blame on me for how things turned out.. realizing that she's not entirely wrong as i was still an ignorant, kiss-ass, die hard jwdub when we started dating, always putting the "kingdom interests first" never having time for her since "the end was so freaking close" and then warping her up in the mess of me learning ttatt.. dwelling night after night in "what could have been" if i had never been a jw.. alternating between being a theist, atheist and agnostic on a daily basis to the point where i don't care anymore yet getting creeped the f*ck out when facing my own mortality and the thought of me dying alone.. always coming to the same conclusion, when i find myself alone on friday nights and weekends, that i have no actual friends, only two conditional jw "friends" which are both currently out of town for about a month and 0 real, non-jw friends.. haven't been able to sleep well in literally weeks now.
You haven't said where you are in the world.
You ask for help, but I am not a doctor.
Get yourself to a doctor - a psychologist or a psychiatrist - (a psychiatrist can precribe drugs, a psychologist can't).
The right medication and learning how to see your experiences from the proper perspective can help you.